The Worldwide Women’s Association Kristin N. Johnson, PhD

Dr. Kristin N. Johnson is the founder and CEO of The Institute for Evidence-based Reform (TIER). She consults and conducts research for school districts, state department of education, and corporations on various issues related to Multi-Tiered System of Support (Academic and SEB issues), nomothetic and idiographic assessment, integrity, and continuous improvement. TIER was founded in 2010 to support educators and caregivers in bridging the gap between knowledge and implementation of evidence-based practices with fidelity. TIER provides school districts, government education agencies, institutions of higher learning, non-governmental educational organizations, and parents with services and products to build their capacity to meet the needs of all those they serve.
At TIER, they believe building capacity requires a sustained effort and cannot be achieved through professional development alone. They work side-by-side with teachers, principals, administrators, and others to help them develop their capacity to consistently implement best practices. They believe this approach helps effect change and build sustainability.
Kristin specializes in modeling, coaching and technical assistance including, but also the implementation of system level processes and procedures, implementation of Response to Intervention (RtI) for academics and behavior at all tiers, data analysis and data-based decision making, and development and implementation of mental health and behavior plans for children at risk.
Kristin received her PhD in School Psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi 2005, her SSP in School Psychology from Nicholls State University in 2001, a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Nicholls State University. She has published peer reviewed research in several journals as well as sat on editorial boards. She has presented nationally on several topics of school improvement. She has been awarded for her service and research. For more info on Kristin and her work, please visit her websites and .
The Worldwide Women’s Association Member Kristin N. Johnson, PhD, can be found on the Who’s Who Directory, where she is looking forward to networking with you.