The Worldwide Women’s Association Recognizes VIP Member, Dr. Karen A. Roopnarine


Dr. Karen A. Roopnarine has over 14 years of experience in her field. As an Economist with the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, she handles all research, forecasting, and analysis for serial publications concerning Trinidad and Tobago’s labour market. Apart from specialising in labour market research, Karen also performs research in the area of development economics as it pertains to income equality, gender-related issues, and climate change.

Having followed a natural progression in her career, she has been passionate about economics since secondary school. She is known for her econometrics skills and Evidence-based policy research. She holds a doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom.

Karen has written research papers on a wide range of topics, including the gender wage gap, chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), female labour force participation, and more. Her master’s thesis, which discussed Derivatives Trading in the CARICOM sub-region, is published in a regional journal.

She is looking forward to networking and connecting with like-minded professionals and gaining the recognition and credibility of being a member.

Worldwide Women’s Association VIP Member, Dr. Karen A. Roopnarine, can be found on the Association Directory, where she is looking forward to networking with you.
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